Staff Highlight: Lexi Jo

Meet Lexi Jo!
1. Serving Location for the Summer
Altoona, PA
2. Are you a New, Return, or Office Staff? If Return or Office Staff, how many summers/years have you worked at TEAMeffort?
New Staff
3. Were you a TEAMeffort camper? If so, when?
Yes! Last summer in Athens, TN
4. What is your favorite video game to play?
Just Dance on the wii
5. Where are you from and what is something unique about your hometown?
Chandler, TX
We have more churches than restaurants.
We have more churches than restaurants.
6. What is the thing you enjoy most about God and your relationship with Him?
I love how He opens doors I’d never expect Him to open.
7. What is a spiritual gift God has given you and how do you find joy using it?
Having an outgoing personality and being able to communicate with others and make people laugh.
8. What food could you eat for 6-months straight and not get sick of?
Taco Bell because everything on the menu is the same thing just in a different font. LOL
9. Do you prefer snow or sand?
Sand. I love the beach!
11. What do you love most about TEAMeffort?
The community I have gained and how loving everyone is.
12. What is one thing you are praying for God to do this summer in the lives of students who attend a TEAMeffort camp?
To bring them closer to God and have more people pursuing Him.